
Personal data of our users are one of the areas to which we pay utmost care and attention. We ensure that all requirements are not only met, but are, if possible , overcome, because we are aware of the sensitive nature of this area.

Web store POWERSPORTS-DIAG, InterCoding INC , in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act ( PDPA- 1-UPB1 ) committed to protecting the personal data of its users.

For the needs of business POWERSPORTS-DIAG gathers the following information:

name and surname,
address and place of residence ,
e-mail address ( your user name )
contact telephone number ,
password in an encrypted form ,
and other data that users enter into forms on the site POWERSPORTS-DIAG.

The accuracy of the data entered by the users , not responsible .

For the purpose of ensuring security , also collects IP addresses from which users access the site . Each user is assigned at the beginning of the visit session cookie for the identification and monitoring of the basket . On your computer you can POWERSPORTS-DIAG store some persistent cookies , which are : the identification number of the user in an encrypted form ( to identify the next visit ) , review articles ( that you know which items you already rated ) and four cookies of Google Analytics (analysis visits to the site ) .

All of these data , with the exception of cookies , the server InterCoding INC. stored permanently . Session cookies are stored in the server's memory only for the duration of the visit and are deleted after one hour of inactivity , permanent cookies are stored on the visitor's computer .

Manager POWERSPORTS-DIAG data can be anonymised in a summary form used for the purposes of statistical analysis .

Manager POWERSPORTS-DIAG user data in any case will not be handed over to unauthorized persons. Delivery service will be entrusted only user delivery address . The users will contact you via the means of distance communication only if the user does not expressly oppose .

Extremely disclosure of personal information

Data provided by POWERSPORTS-DIAG collects and processes will be disclosed only if such obligation is laid down in the law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary for the proceedings before the courts or other public authorities , and to protect and promote the legitimate interests of POWERSPORTS-DIAG.

© InterCoding INC, 2014